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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...

Eight to ten years for possession,
I'm living at the state hotel.
I guess I learned my lesson.
I guess I learned it well.
The judge says, "I got no discretion.
The law upon that point is clear.
Either got to put you up at state expense
Or let you walk away from here.
"I see you got a prior conviction.
That just about ties my hands.
They took away my power of decision.
I've got to honor what the law commands.
"You were indicted for conspiracy
to obstruct the right of way."
The plea was civil liberty,
But it wasn't a judge that day.
Possession, nine points of the law they say
Possession, take that boy and salt him away.
Possession, teach him how to obey.
They'd rather let a killer walk the street,
Than another damn freak like me.
Got a wife and kid on the way.
I've never had a nose for crime.
Someone passed me a joint one day,
And now I'm doing federal time.
Got a letter from wife that read,
"I just met another man.
It ain't that I don't love you, it said.
"I hope you understand."
Guess my luck ain't all that bad,
Smiling through my tears.
Seems that the D.A. knew my dad
Or I might have got 20 years.
Killer comes and a killer walks,
While I sit rotting here.
The scene of the crime is the ballot box,
And people who vote from fear.
2nd chorus
Possession, nine points of the law they say
Possession, take that boy and lock him away
Possession, I've come to understand
They'd rather free a man with some blood on his hands,
Than another damn freak like me.

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