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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Talk To Em
Young Jeezy

Like the person needs his soul “uh huh, jeahÂ
Fight the will “ay to need his own “ay, ay, ayÂ
“Just talk to em for a minute, ay just talk to em for a minuteÂ
Like the baby “ay needs to cry “uh huh jeahÂ
if you go “ay" I swear “jeah ill die “ay, ay, ayÂ

How the fuck im free out here and you locked in there
Your whole family acts like I ont care
They don't know about the nights I just lay in my bed
I cant even sleep I just lay in my bed
Eyes full of tears and a heart full of pain
Take deep breathes everytime I hear your name
You was more than family you was like my brother
So when the shit went down its like I lost my brother “ayÂ
And I wish we could trade places
Swear to GOD dawg wish we could trade places
Livin a life of crime, but it wasn't your life it was more like mine
I often think about the close calls we had
And I often think about the close brawls we had
And I love my nigga what you know bout that
And ill do anything to get golmouf back talk to em

Like the person needs his soul
Fight the will to need his own
“Make em understand, ay, please, make em understand“
Like the baby “please, look, ayÂ
needs to cry “make em understand, ay, ay, ayÂ
if you go I swear ill die
“make em understand, jeah, ay, talk to em ay, ay, ayÂ

Mel man you my heart I swear to god “swear to godÂ
Knew you was real man I saw it from the start “from the startÂ
Even when I was wrong my nigga had my back “yeahÂ
Even when I was right my nigga had my back “damn rightÂ
We used to laugh wouldn't shit funny “nawÂ
Late night at my grandma house counting money
I trust you with my life dawg if I was married id trust you with my wife dawg
Any given time a half a mill in your possession
You aint called in two days man I still wasn't stressing “naw:
Cause when I talk my nigga listen “listenedÂ
Switch shit you used to help me with them pigeons
“Earnest Earnest T. wont talk to me dawg and it hurts “it hurtsÂ
She treats a nigga like im the scum of the life “scum of the earthÂ
In your eyes I couldn't do no wrong “naw so to you I dedicate this song “talk to emÂ

Like the person “ay needs his soul “ayÂ
Fight the will “talk to em for me my nigga to need his own
“gotta feel me on this one, jeah, ay, talk to em in tongues nigga,
do it make these niggas understandÂ
Like the baby “ay needs to “I love you Mat LouÂ
cry “uh huh, talk to emÂ
if you go “I ont think they understand me my niggaÂ
I swear ill die “jeah, talk to em, ay, ay, ayÂ

Must've bust ten rounds through the strap in your lap
Knew I was a gangsta I wasn't going for that
Pussy nigga in my yard talkin shit
Know'in damn well I was on some G shit
Let the whole clip ride and didn't think
Let the whole clip ride and didn't blink
You told me kindly not to bring the white in your house
And then what I do bring the white in the house
Bricks in the addict and yean know
Your grandson killin em he getting 24
Feds at the door im out of town
Yean tell em shit, you held me down
Now a-days I rock the mic im getting paid for that
And all the shit I been through im getting paid for that
Always said I would make, wish you could see me now
But if I tried to tell her she probably wouldn't believe me now

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