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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
You Cant Catch Me
Yoko Ono

I bought a brand new airmobile,
It was a custom made, it was a flightning deal.
With a powerful motor and a hide away wing,
Push in on the button, you will hear her sing.

Now, you cant catch me,
Baby, you cant catch me,
cause if you get too close,
You know Im goin like cool breeze.

Hey! hey!
Well, you walk!
You walk!

New jersey turnpike in the wee wee hours,
I was rollin slowly cause of drizzle showers.
Here come a flat-top, he was movin up with me,
Then come waving goodbye in a little, old souped up jitney.
I put my foot in the tank, I began to roll,
Moanin siren, twas the state patrol.
I let out my wings, then I blew my horn,
Bye-bye, new jersey, I become airborn.

Now, you cant catch me,
Baby, you cant catch me,
cause if you get too close,
You know Im goin like cool breeze.

Well, you walk!
Yeah, walk!

I bought a brand new airmobile,
It was a custom made, it was a flightning deal.
With a powerful motor and a hide away wing,
Push in on the button, you will hear her sing.

Now, you cant catch me,
Baby, you cant catch me,
cause if you get too close,
You know Im goin like cool breeze.

Hey! hey!
Well, you walk!
You walk!

Flying with my baby last saturday night,
Wasnt a grey cloud floatin in sight,
Big, full moon, shinin up above,
Cuddle up, honey, be my love.

Sweetest little thing that I ever seen,
Im gonna name you maybellene.
Flying on the beam, set on flight control,
Radio tuned to rock and roll.
Two, three hours passed us by,
Altitude dropped into five-o-five.
Fuel consumption, way too fast,
Lets get on home before we run out of gas.

Now, you cant catch me,
Baby, you cant catch me,
cause if you get too close,
You know Im goin like cool breeze.

Git it on!
Yeah, walk!
Git it on, git it on, git it on, do it!
Git it on, git it on.
You know you cant catch me!

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