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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Phil & John #2
Yoko Ono

(j) -0ne, two, three hmm - Ive got a message for you....
(p) - hold it! hold it! our fault, our fault! not your fault. listen, if the voice is too loud just say the voice...Im yellin too loud in
In the can, everybody suddenly grabs their headphones when I talk
(j) - no, no, no.
(p) - ok, everything is fine, I know, ok...
(j) - you wanna....?
(p) - hold it one sec
(j) - phil, were well....oh get out! you could have, you know, broken it on the third line or something....i better get all that
Bit......oh, you dont mind if I change the lyrics then? good, ok, hey, we got the man here!
(p) -what man?
(j) -any fuckin man, lets go....Im gonna get an all girl band, ha ha ha
(p) - well, you need one, lets go!,
(j) - you wont let me do be bop a lula instead?
(p) - I wont let you do anthing, lets go!
(j) - be bop a.....
(p) - til you get this one, then you can do be bop a lula
(j) - and send me some lovin
(p) - you can do anything you wanna do, johnnie
(j) - after this?
(p) - after this.
(j) -take the bandages off?
(p) -you can even do take the bandages off
(j) -ok....
(p) - you can even do johnny b goode
(j) - no, no
(p) - I wish you would, lets go
(j) - any time you like i....
(p) - I know you would come on
(j) - I know the solo too
(p) - good
(j) - but I wouldnt wanna take it away from jessie...
(p) - I know
(j) -yoo
(p) -is jessie there? yes, hes there...come on!
(j) -ok! lets....
(p) - alright!,
(? ) -one, two
(j) -yes it did, yeah!
(j) -it always works out the same old way
(p) - hold it! somebodys waving a hand. somebody says stop so we stop

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