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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
I Learned From The Best
Whitney Houston

Did you really think that
i would really take you back
let you back in my heart one more time no.
did you really think that i'd still care
that there'd be more feeling there
did you think you could walk back in my life.

so you found you miss the love you threw away.
baby but you found it out too late...too late

and so you know the way it feels to cry
the way that i cried when you broke my world in two.
baby i learned the way to break a heart
i learned from the best..
i learned from you.
oh baby now...
i learned from you.

i remember cold nights
tears i thought would never dry
how you shattered my world,with your goodbye.
your goodbye baby.
would've sold my soul then.
just to have you back again
now you're the last thing on my mind.

now you say you're sorry,and you've changed your ways.
sorry but you changed your ways too late.


so when all you've got are sleepless nights
when those tears are clouding up your eyes
just remember it was you who said goodbye
who said goodbye...

instrumental break

chorus x2

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