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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Flower Child

(All you know, you don't know yet)

On the fifth day of may, she was breaking away
When the moon came and sat on your shoulder
She was still young, not yet highly strung
As you need to be when you get older
George was a street, when you first faced the feat
You put money on the color of the sky
Well the color of her voice left you there no choice
But to drink the Liffey dry

The seeds that you sow
You wanna watch them growing
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart

Here comes Holy Joe, now how would he know
How laughter can make a man cruel
It's fire on fire, and lovers conspire
To either a duet or duel
When it's fire on fire, the flames just get higher
The harder you work to put them out
Well you know that you're similar, sugar and weedkiller
Both heading north facing south

The seeds that you sow
You wanna watch them growing
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart


What's on your breath is the fear of death
That makes such a man promiscuous
Your mouth was dry like when you were about to lie
And her lips are so luscious
You've seen it before, you hurled at her door
Like a dog when she needed a man
Now she aches and she breaks, and she takes
On the weight of your world, 'cause she almost can

The seeds that you sow
Well you wanna watch them growing
The wind, where will it blow
My flower child
Growing wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart

The sky was steel grey, up on Appian Way
As the yellow hats dug up the road
Didn't hear what you said, as the lights turned red
On a love that should have stayed gold

Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart
Wild, you grow wild
You grow wild in my heart

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