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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Why Am I

Say why am I waiting for the phone call.
Why mute clouds.
Sailing to me from afar, and melt.
Why did love touched us.
Why am I crying for the first time.
Why do I want you now, I don't know.

I am star, you are star.
We were ordered to burn down.
Someone gave away, and got
The addresses of our meetings.
Roughs on the eyes,
And nobody will find.
The voices will slip,
And the ice will crush.
And it nobody's without key,
And crave in the bed
And it is time to turn off,
And they are on the back.
(you) Smile, unleash,
curtain the mirrors,
tear up and say,
dead, dead .
(You) Lock or
become nothing.
And the hand doesn't tremble.
Everything right with my hand
May avenge
on the taxi and (you) suck.
But forgive, never.
Never ask me for it.
I found the revenge
Powder-everything I have
Multiply by 6
Don't call me, don't call me
I am tired, I am tired
I don't want you

Say why am I waiting for the phone call.
Why mute clouds.
Sailing to me from afar, and melt.
Why did love touched us.
Why am I crying for the first time.
Why do I want you now, I don't know

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