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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Dogatic Anthem

woof woof woof woof woof woof wooooof

Im in major det and i wont forget
ive got a demonised pet who keeps giving me bets
and if i don't stop smoking my dog will be-a-joking.
it'l rip my leg off with its mouth and start smokin it.
i take it to the vet and what the vet says is that your
dog is harmless and its all up in your head.
im really wary,my dog is scary,oh please god help me
sweet mother of mary.

'cause it pees and craps on the bathroom floor
and it barks at me when i open the door
and then i say bad boy and it bites my leg
(then i have to get an ambulance)
to the hospital where i bumped my head
(should i really take a second chance?)

oh my god i am so irritated
by that evil creature that somepeople call a pet

and when i see it it barks and barks and barks
and barks till it thinks im dead.
then i crawl onto the bathroom floor and i pray
for my dear life as it opens the door,go
then i shiver as its ten to nine.
then i wake up in my bed feelin fine.

'cause it pees and craps on the bathroom floor
and it barks at me when i open the door
and then i say bad boy and it bites my leg
(then i have to get an ambulance)
to the hospital where i bumped my head
(should i really take a second chance?)

woof woof woof woof DOGATIC!!!!!

i am really scared as i reach for the blood stained door
i look at the carpet its covered in gore
i am one of its slaves now
will i die will i be next
dont know why dont even know how
why did i chose that damn dog anyway?
because it was lonely i told it to stay.
now i look in my bedroom, theres grafitti on the wall
because of what that dogs done over the past 3 to 17 years
i look in the mirror im covered in tears.
its biting my leg off....i am screaming like a girl
because i am so....

'cause it pees and craps on the bathroom floor
and it barks at me when i open the door
and then i say bad boy and it bites my leg
(then i have to get an ambulance)
to the hospital where i bumped my head
(should i really take a second chance?)

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