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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Head To Toe
Sean Paul

Don't pretend you don't need me...Daily monthly and weekly
Sean da Paul...Pon the girl them...intermediately
Don Corleone...deh ya fi make the girl ride pon the pony...
Sean Paul no phony..Hear me tell the girl them say..

From head to toe.. You finesse....jah jah bless you with would a
Mash up man head to toe....most naturally..
Anytime me want it, girl just gimme the pre
I'll set you free....I give you my love and you know it's guaranteed
I got what you need...believe in you and me

[Verse 1:]
You physique a speak...And if a talk you a talk it make man heart a beat
When you out a street...The walk wey you walk make this world look counterfeit
Cause you no incomplete...Everything weh you got on sexy everything look neat
We can feel the heat...I guy must be blind if him haffi look hard fi see it..

Cause from you set on me ready fi go put on the sweat on.
Gal cause you body it a beckon
Every minute every second me turn on the threat on..
Gal, you goin' get wet on..
Just ease you mind up one time..Flex tonight because it's not a crime
Relax you vibe because hype we no join...Gal bubble when you feel the bassline, cause..


[Verse 2:]
Come roll with we...If you man a pose up like him just don't know how fi do it...
Him lack energy...Him nah work you right never work it fi you properly
And give you memories...Inna di bathroom, sofa, hammock up between the trees
Up in the evening breeze...Cmon baby girl this is not a good time fi tease

So off let will not forget it...Sean a Paul a youth wey naw go pamper nor pet it..
Pump it hard but no me naw offset it...Nuff how fi turn it don't fret it..
Just ease you mind up one time..Flex tonight because it's not a crime
Relax you vibe because hype we no join...Gal bubble now to the bassline, cause..

[Verse 1:]
[Chorus (repeat)]
[Verse 2 (repeat)]
[Chorus (repeat)]

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