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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Robbie Williams

Often, I dont see it if Ive been wrong,
And boy have I been wrong
Often, I don't need it until it's gone,
But by then it's gone Often, I make the worst decisions
Say that it's great and I know it isn't so
It's happening so....
Often Often, I won't wake up from a dream,
You know I love to dream
Often, I dont stand up for what I believe,
There's nothing left to believe So often, I make the worst decisions,
Say that it's great and I know it isn't so
it's happening so....often I often wish that you were here,
I could know eventually Do Doo Do Doo Do Doo Do
Yeah, Yeah Often, I dont see it when I've been wrong,
And boy have I been wrong
Often, I don't need it until it's gone,
But by then it's gone Often, I make the worst decisions
Say that it's great and I know it isn't so
It's happening so....
Often(B-Side of the single "Kids")

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