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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Always Here With Me
Rich Mullins

"Lord, I know You're here, like a shepherd leading me
Out of my fears, into Your peace
Where the pastures are lush, and the waters are cool and still
When I'm living in Your love, I know You're here with me

And when I walk through the valley where the shadows hang like death
I will trust that You're with me, my soul will know Your rest
Till my cup is overflowing with the joy that comes from knowing
You are here, Lord, always here with me

Lord, Your rod and staff, how they calm and comfort me
How they bring me back when my wandering heart leaves
You have spread Your feast of goodness and grace
You've restored my soul for Your name's sake

And when I walk through the valley where the shadows hang like death
I will trust that You're with me, my soul will know Your rest
Till my cup is overflowing with the joy that comes from knowing
You are here, Lord, always here with me

And when I walk through the valley where the shadows hang like death
I will trust that You're with me, my soul will know Your rest
Till my cup is overflowing with the joy that comes from knowing
You are here, Lord, always here with me"

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