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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
The Masterplan

Take the time to make some sense
Of what you want to say
And cast your words away upon the waves
Sail them home with acquiesce
On a ship of hope today
And as they land upon the shore
Tell them not to fear no more
Say it loud and sing it proud

And then dance if you want to dance
Please brother take a chance
You know they're gonna go
Which way they wanna go
All we know is that we don't know
How it's gonna be
Please brother let it be
Life on the other hand won't make us understand
We're all part of the masterplan

Say it loud and sing it proud
I'm not saying right is wrong
It's up to us to make
The best of all the things that come our way
Coz everything that's been has past
The answer's in the looking glass
There's four and twenty million doors
On life's endless corridor
Say it loud and sing it proud
And they..

Will dance if they want to dance
Please brother take a chance
You know they're gonna go
Which way they wanna go
All we know is that we don't know
How it's gonna be
Please brother let it be
Life on the other hand won't make you understand
We're all part of the masterplan

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