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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Never Again

He's drunk again, it's time to fight
She must have done something wrong tonight,
The living room becomes a boxing ring
It's time to run when you see him clenching his hands,
She's just a woman... Never again

I hear her scream from down the hall,
Amazing she can even talk at all,
She cries to me... "go back to bed,"
I'm terrified that she'll wind up dead in his hands,
She's just a woman... Never again

Been there before but not like this,
Seen it before but not like this,
Never before have I seen it this bad,
She's just a woman... Never again

Just tell the nurse you slipped and fell,
It starts to sting as it starts to swell,
She looks at you... she wants the truth,
It's right out there in the waiting room with those hands,
Lookin' just as sweet as he can... Never again

Seen it before but not like this,
Been there before but not like this,
Never before have I ever seen it this bad,
She's just a woman... Never again

Father's a name you haven't earned yet,
You're just a child with a temper,
Haven't you heard "don't hit a lady,"
Kickin' your ass would be a pleasure

He's drunk again, it's time to fight,
Same old shit just, just on a different night,
She grabs the gun, she's had enough,
Tonight she'll find out how fuckin tough is this man,
Pulls the trigger fast as she can... Never again

Seen it before but not like this,
Been there before but not like this,
Never before have I ever seen it this bad,
She's just a woman... Never again

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