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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Nada Surf

Run, i run to fill the deaths i spot ahead
The traps i know i've set, for myself, to fall into, and hide
I hide, to save myself from feeling shamed,
learning from mistakes
When i know, its me, who's to blame

And darkness ran aground
On the day that lost was found,
i saw you there, i saw you there

I, I could not spill the doubts of lonliness
From the pain of emptiness, which you help figure out, which was which
Which brings me to the part that's hard to say
The part that sounds so lame,
joder, we are one, and the same

And darkness ran aground
On the day that lost was found,
i saw you there, i saw you there

Your pulling out the ground,
i had to turn around,
i saw you there, i saw you there

If, you need me like an island needs the sea
Does that mean i should leave
Would you go
Be long gone, with your dreams
We should have fun, asleep at such a speed
So many thirsty seats, while im kissing, the palm, of your hand

And darkness ran aground
I saw you there, i saw you there

Likely, you didn't care, with tasels in your hair,
i saw you there, i saw you there
Show me all around,
your polishing the town,
i saw you there, i saw you there
I knew right there and then,
we never know the end
You took me with you in,
we're going to my den

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