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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Silence Is A Scary Sound

I look into the sky
And I have to ask why
She'd go and leave me
Oh why do feelings have to die?
Was it all just a sign?
Of what its meant to be

Well I'm just too excited
Everything has got me tiding
She's only doing for a break out
Better go she blows my brains out
Silence is a scary sound
Funny feeling happened today
Somewhere buried in the past
Didn't mean much that much anyway
I know that love will never last

I'm torn up inside
There's a hole in my mind
When you're not next to me
So I hope you choke and die
At every single lie and it's what you've done to me

Well I'm just too excited
Everything has got me tiding
She's only doing for a break up
Then again she blows my brains out
Silence is a scary sound
Funny feeling happened today
Somewhere buried in the past
Didn't mean much that much anyway
I know that love will never last

Well I'm just too excited
The end of this can be sighted
She's over due for a break out
I better go she blows my brains out.
Silence is a scary sound

Funny feeling happened today
So we'll bury it in the past
Didn't mean much that much anyway
I know that love will never last
Funny feeling happened today
Somewhere buried in the past
Didn't mean much that much anyway
I know that love will never last

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