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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Can't Take That Away
Mariah Carey

They can say
Anything they want to say
Try to bring me down
But I will not allow
Anyone to succeed
Hanging clouds over me
And they can try
Hard to make me feel that I
Don't matter at all
But I refuse to falter in what I believe
Or loose faith in my dreams

Cause there's
There’s a light in me
That shines brightly
They can try
But they can't take that away from me

Oh, they
They can do, anything they want, to you
If you let them in
But they won't ever win
If you cling to your pride and just push them aside
See I, I have learned
There's an inner peace I own
Something in my soul
That they cannot possess
So I won't be afraid
And the darkness will fade

Cause there's
There’s a light in me
That shines, brightly, yes
They can try, but they can't take that away from me

No, they can't take this,
Precious love I'll always have inside me
Certainly the Lord will guide me
Where I need to go

Oh, oh, they can say
Anything they want to say
Try to bring me down
But I won't face the ground
I will rise steadily
sailing out of their reach
Oh lord, they do try
Hard to make me feel, that I
Don't matter at all
But I refuse to falter
in what I believe or loose faith in my dreams
Cause there's, there’s a light in me
That shines, brightly, yes

They can try, but they can't take that away from me
From me

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