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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
What A Scene
Marc Anthony

When you're feeling all wrong in the back of your mind again
How does it feel?
When you drop down
Everything's all the same
Oh, yeah

Saccharine, caffeine, nicotine gum
All tastes sweet but it's not for long
And I just think you thought it would be

And when you're looking for truth on the cover of a magazine
How does it feel?
When you found out what you're not going to be
Oh, yeah

They give you your image and the things you believe
Open your eyes, tell me what did you see
And I just think you thought it so real

And how does it feel when you're out on your own?
And now it's too late to go home
And it's hard to be free when you're down on your knees
Take it easy 'til you make it alone

Now your supermarket, punk rock, television, comedy
Out on the scene
Yeah, I been down now there's no hand to feed
Oh, yeah

And all the beautiful images lining your walls
Pop radio screaming down the halls
And now you think you found something real
When it's all about money and the things that you need
Live a big lie and they all believe
And I just find that somehow obscene

And how does it feel to be out on your own?
And now it's too late to go home
And it's hard to be free when you're down on your knees
Take it easy 'til you make it alone
Take it easy 'til you make it alone
What a scene

It's all been said before
And all been done
Take it easy 'til you make it alone
Take it easy 'til you make it alone

[Repeated over and over]
La na na na na
La na na na na

'Cause lies weigh more than truth
Innocence looks good on you
Now everybody wants to know your name

[Repeated over and over to the end]
La na na na na
La na na na na

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