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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Kanye West

(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)
Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the crib
Just a lil' somethin' show you how we live
E'r'body want it but it ain't that serious
That's that shit
So if you gon' do it, do it just like this
(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)

You don't see just how wild the crowd is?
You don't see just how fly my style is?
I don't see why I need a stylist
When I shop so much I can speak Italian
I don't know I just wanted better for my kids
And I ain't sayin' we was from the projects
But everytime I want it, layaway or a deposit
My dad'll say "when you see clothes close ya eyelids"
We was sorta like Will Smith and his son
In the movie I ain't talkin' 'bout the rich ones
'Cause every summer he'll get some
Brand new hare-brained scheme to get rich from
And I don't know what he did for dough
But he'd sent me back to school wit' a new wardrobe and hey!

(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)
I think he did, when he packed it up and brought it back to the crib
Just a lil' somethin' show you how we live
E'r'thing I wanted man it seemed so serious
That's that shit
So if you gon' do it, do it just like this
(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)

When it feel like livin's harder than dyin'
[Champion lyrics on]

For me givin' up's way harder than tryin'
Lauryn Hill say her heart was in Zion
I wish her heart still was in rhymin'
'Cause who the kids gon' listen to? Huh?
I guess me if it isn't you
Last week I paid a visit to the institute
They got the crop out keepin' kids in the school
I guess I'll clean up my act like Prince'll do
If not for the pleasure, least for the principle
They got the CD then got to see me drop gems
Like I dropped out of P.E.
They used to feel invisible
Now they know they invincible

(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)
This is the story of a champion
Rounders in the mob and they pop the guns
Stand up stand up! Here he comes
Tell me what it takes to be number one?
Tell me what it takes to be number one?
This is the story of a champion
Rounders in the mob and they pop the guns
Stand up stand up! Here he comes
Tell me what it takes to be number one?
Tell me what it takes to be number one?

(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)
Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the crib
Just a lil' somethin' show you how we live
E'r'body want it but it ain't that serious
That's that shit
So if you gon' do it, do it just like this
(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
In Their Eyes)

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