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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Young and In Love
Jordin Sparks

I didn't ask you're opinion
Whatcha talkin' 'bout?
So quick to jump to conclusions
'Cause we're hangin' out
There ain't no issues, ain't no fuss
When it's just you and me
You and me

What makes you think that you can know
What's gonna stick, what's gonna blow?
So let them pull

Let them pull at the seams
Don't they know what it means
To be young and in love like that
Who are they to decide
If it's wrong, if it's right?
To be young and in love like that
Like that, like that
Like that, like that
To be young and in love

If people offering answers
Sounds like breaking last
I can't remember the questions, whatever asked
It's a free road you came down
But you don't bother me
Bother me

One of those days, when we're old
I'll stop and say, "I told you so"
So let them pull

Let them pull at the seams
Don't they know what it means
To be young and in love like that
Who are they to decide
If it's wrong, if it's right?
To be young and in love like that
Like that, like that
Like that, like that
To be young and in love like that
Like that, like that
Like that, like that
To be young and in love

It don't matter what they say
Too late to walk away
'Cause I need him, much too strong
I've waited for so long to feel
All the things that I feel
So I gotta hold on [so let them pull]

Let them pull at the seams
Don't they know what it means
To be young and in love like that
Who are they to decide
If it's wrong, if it's right?
To be young and in love like that
Like that, like that
Like that, like that
To be young and in love like that
Like that, like that
Like that, like that
To be young and in love

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