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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Permanent Monday
Jordin Sparks

Fallen leaves, like a blanket at my feet
There's a canopy of stars and I just miss you like crazy
Suddenly, the world's too big
And the hours move too slow
And I just wish that you were holding me near

Seven days - it feels like a year
You whisper through the line
You know I miss you like crazy
So baby can you steal a plane
A boat, the fastest train
You know it just don't feel the same when you're gone

'Cause everytime you go away
The sunshine starts to fade
Frozen by the hands of time into a Permanent Monday
Take me back into your arms
And don't ever let me go
'Cause when I see you walk through that door
I'm not lost anymore
I'm home
I'm home

I won't sleep, until you're finally next to me
Can't wait to breathe you in
Don't wanna waste my time dreamin'
I just wanna treat your name like a whisper on my skin
And never have to say goodbye again

'Cause everytime you go away
The sunshine starts to fade
Frozen by the hands of time into a Permanent Monday
Take me back into your arms
And don't ever let me go
'Cause when I see you walk through that door
I'm not lost anymore
I'm home

'Cause when I feel you right here close to me
Everything is where it's supposed to be

Baby, everytime you go away
The sunshine starts to fade
Frozen by the hands of time into a Permanent Monday
Take me back into your arms
And don't ever let me go
'Cause when I see you walk through that door
I'm not lost anymore
I'm home
I am home

Ooh, yes I am
And I miss you like crazy

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