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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
When the Snow Comes Down in Tinseltown
Hilary Duff

Dear Santa,I live in Hollywood. But it's not like in the movies where Christmas
is always snowy white. On my list, is just one wish, that it would snow tonight.

When the snow comes down in Tinseltown you'll be dancing in Hollywood.
Slippin and sliding and sleigh riding all over the neighborhood.
You'll be rocking with a stocking on your head so the cold wont get to you.
On Christmas Eve you can believe that wishes do come true.

Oh, when the snow comes down, oh in Tinseltown.
On Christmas Eve, you will believe when the snow comes down in Tinseltown.

You close your eyes, and to your surprise, you see the reindeer fly.
It's choir singing fa la la la la, go walking by.
Singing and ringing ride along and church bells in the air.
It seems so real, that you can feel the snowflakes in your hair.

Oh, when the snow comes down, oh in Tinseltown.
On Christmas Eve you will believe when the snow comes down in Tinseltown!

In the morning, when you awake, your face all shining bright!
And when you look outside you see the palm trees dressed in white!!

Dear Santa, thank you, thank you for that perfect Christmas day. Gliding down
the streets of Hollywood, in a one horse open sleigh!

(Instrumental Break)

Oh, when the snow comes down, oh in Tinseltown.
On Christmas Eve you will believe when the snow comes down in Tinseltown!

Oh, when the snow comes down, oh in Tinseltown.
On Christmas Eve you will believe when the snow comes down in Tinseltown!

Oh, when the snow comes down, oh in Tinseltown.
On Christmas Eve you will believe when the snow comes down in Tinseltown!

Oh, when the snow comes down, oh in Tinseltown.
On Christmas Eve, you will believe when the snow comes down in Tinseltown!

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