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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Welcome To D-Block

[Jada] This is my lively hood
[Eminem] That you fuckin' with
[Jada] Ahhhh!!!!
This is it right here baby, hahaha
No more hatin' in the world
[Eminem] Haha
[Jada] You know
It's gonna be what it's gonna be
[Eminem] Ruff Ryders!

CHORUS [Eminem]
Welcome to D-Block, the city of broke down dreams
With things ain't always peachy keen as they seem
City of dope dealers, killers, pimps, pushers
Pin handlers, hustlers and doped out fiends
The sun don't shine here, in this part of town
But we all got a town that's similar to this too
'Cause every city's got a ghetto, every ghetto's got a hood
Take a good look around you 'cause there's a D-Block near you

Place where ain't no body that proud, its a fuckin black cloud
That got people under the impression they can act wild
Workin' around though, see if you can pull a trigger on the pound yo
Wild men is flappin' the whole town though
Lot is assumin' a niggaz salary
More lies than truth definitely more rumors than reality
Only way you beatin' a body is a technicality
Other than that catch 'em and Clinton on a gallery
The determination and dedication of discipline
Listenin' and catchin' the jewels you was missin'
And they still doin' coward shit
You know the haters gon' always be heavy but the love overpowers it
Somethin' in the air but the older they get
They kill you quicker over a girl than over a brick
We don't play with the lizards, we make phrases up and say I'm exquisite
Anytime you can pay us a visit


Welcome to D-Block, the might mighty D-Block
A place in New York City where Diddy won't even walk
It's D-Block, the part of yonder where I wouldn't be caught
Without two pistols on me that'll be cocked in each pocket
D-Block don't even stop to talk, you just keep walkin'
Stick up kids every block who walks with that free op-portunity
as soon as you leave out that jewelry shop
And you won't even notice your mind will be so preo-ccupied
on that new watch you just copped
You won't even see that ride pull up along side you
You'll be shot 'fore you even realize you were spied over three blocks
D-Block the place where gees get knocked, locked up
Get out come home for a week and get re-knocked
You don't even see cops, hip hop police don't even stop
On D-Block, where everybody wants to be Pac
And you can get popped over the new G Unit Reeboks


[Sheek Louch]
If you bust and your gun got niggaz on the run
And you rep where you from nigga you D-Block
And you try to come home and your pockets is light as a cup
They don't give a fuck, you D-Block
Aiyo bang bang nigga, let's get it on
Homies been a monster, but it's worst now that my son been born
And every nigga where I be, I put in work for free
It's D-Block mo'fucka, aiyo grab this P

[Styles P]
Welcome to D Block, a place where lil' niggaz is killaz
And the mother's raisin a son that turns into Gorillaz
And the hallways is pissy as hell, all we do is get bigger
More ignorant, you send us to jail, my niggaz shoot anything that'll move
Sell drugs, from the rise to the sun to the fall of the moon
I'd die the way I stand with my man if I can when the shells come
This is D-Block ya'll welcome


[Eminem] Ruff Ryders!

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