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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
The Power Of One
Donna Summer

Life can be a challenge
Life can seem impossible
Its never easy when so much is on the line
But you can make a difference
With courage you can set things right
The gift to dream
And make dreams real
Is yours and mine

The power of one begins with believing
It starts in the heart
Then flows through the soul
And changes the world
Imagine how life will be
When we stand in unity
Each of us holds the key
To the power of one

Each of us is chosen
There's a mission just for you
Just look inside and be surprised
What you can do


Then one by one
We can make the world
A much better place

The power of one begins with believing
It starts in the heart
And flows through the soul
And changes the world
Imagine how life will be
When we stand in unity
Each of us holds the key
Its inside of you and me
Each of us holds the key
To the power of one

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