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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Oh Billy Please
Donna Summer

You said you loved me
Then why won't you let me
Be who i am all of the time

Said you wouldn't hurt me
Then why would you leave me
And take my peace of mind
Ah, ah

Oh, billy please take my call
Ah, ah
Billy i've tried most of all
Ah, ah

We've got to stop having
This misunderstanding
There'll never be another guy

I'm sending this letter
Hope you're feeling better
Can't stop this raining from my eyes
Ah, ah,

Oh, billy please take my call
Ah, ah,
Billy i've tried most of all
Ah, ah

Don't be a fool for some lies
Ah, ah,
Billy i've tried over time
Ah, ah,

If you love me
If you love me

Some people say i'm a fool for loving you
There's no perfect guarantee
And i know you will agree

Oh, billy please take my call
Ah, ah
Billy i've tried most of all
Ah, ah

Oh, billy please take my call
Ah, ah
Billy i've tried most of all
Ah, ah

Don't be a fool for some lies
Ah, ah
'cause billy i've tried more than twice
Ah, ah
Hey, hey, ah, ah

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