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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Like A Waterfall
DJ Tiesto

I surface from the haze
i see the real reasons why
i'm so over my head
it seems
unclear mistakes it's hold
our whole world is gonna break
it's crumbling so easily

but you are the only one i want you to know
who will get under my skin
so if i dare to try, i dare ..
i'll prove to you it's not a waste
and this is not our last goodbye

those other thrills
cause i've got a better place to go
been out of my head, you'll see
i wanna take a taste
in this old violent light's chambers
they're burning me like gasoline

but you are the only one i need you to know
you know i'm always there
so if i dare to try, i dare to try
i'll prove to you it's not a waste
and this is not our last goodbye

i see a rainbow bleeding out of the sun
and i feel my adrenaline before it's already begun
and i tried to tell you but you've not listened
but we all pours out of me

like a waterfall
like a waterfall
it all pours out of me ...

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