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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...

Even on a day like this
when you're crawling on the floor,
reaching for the phone to ring,
anyone who knows you anymore

It's alright to make mistakes
You're only human
Inside everybody's hiding something

Staring at the same four walls
have you tried to help yourself?
The rings around your eyes, they don't hide
that you need to get some rest

It's alright to make mistakes
You're only human
Inside everybody's hiding something

Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment
Don't slide

Even at a time like this
when the morning seems so far
Think that pain belongs to you
but it's happened to us all

It's alright to make mistakes
You're only human
Inside everybody's hiding something

Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment
Don't slide

You brought this on yourself
and it's high time you left it there
Lie here and rest your head
and dream of something else instead

Don't slide

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