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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...

With one light on in one room, I know you're up when I get home
With one small step up on the stair, I know your look when I get there

If you were a king up there on your throne,
would you be wise enough to let me go?
For this queen you think you own
wants to be a hunter again, wants to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again -- so let me go

The unread book and painful look, the TV's on, the sound is down
One long pause, then you begin, oh look what the cat's broughtin

If you were a king up there on your throne,
would you be wise enough to let me go?
For this queen you think you own
wants to be a hunter again, wants to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again, so let me go, let me leave

For the crown you've placed up on my head feels too heavy now
And I don't know what to say to you but I'll smile anyhow
And all the time I'm thinking, thinking

I want to be a hunter again, want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again, so let me go

I want to be a hunter again, want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again, so let me go, let me live, let me go

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