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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Hold On (My Hands)
David Archuleta

Accidentally on purpose, I drop my watch behind the tire
Put my alarm clock inside the fireplace
I put the parental control on
On the news and the weather channel
I'm outside in my room but I'm looking for you

If everything stops, I listen for your heart
To lead me right to you, yeah
I tried every way I can

But it's harder to hold on
to your hands and the hands of time
I need a hand
Girl I'm trying to hold on
Losing strength in these hands
Oh it's not easy
I'm trying to hold on
I'm standing here, open hands
And I know I can't do this alone
Hold on, hold on
Let me hold on

Can you hold on to my hands
(Don't let go of my hands)
Don't let go

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