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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Super Love
Celine Dion

Some people they search their whole lives
Lookin' for somebody who's just right
Sometimes they settle for less
Lose outta true happiness
Then they finally wake up one day
And realize there's nothing to say
It's hard to let go
Even when ya deep down both know

So they fight and fight and fight
And no more kissin' kissin' goodnight
But baby that can't happen to us

You and me we got a super love
Never gonna give it up
It's the kind a sweet dreams are made a
I'm not afraid a - our super love

You and me we got a super love
Ain't no way we'll ever get enough
It's the kind a sweet dreams are made a
I'm not afraid a
No super love

Some people they never find out
How it feels to be feelin' no doubt
You'll be right there when I fall
And I'll be promisin' you the world
No getting down on your knees

Trying to get what ya need
It's a good situation
Sorry for elaboratin'
But I want more and more and more
So just keep knockin' knockin' on my door
But baby you’re a hard thing to find

You and me we got a super love
Never gonna give it up
It's the kind a sweet dreams are made a
I'm not afraid a - our super love

You and me we got a super love
Ain't no way we'll ever get enough
It's the kind a sweet dreams are made a
I'm not afraid a
No super love

Gimme gimme gimme some of that super love
Gimme gimme gimme some of that super love
Gimme gimme gimme some of that super love
Super love super love

You and me we got a super love
Never gonna give it up
It's the kind a sweet dreams are made a
I'm not afraid a

You and me we got a super love
Ain't no way we'll ever get enough
It's the kind a sweet dreams are made a
I'm not afraid a
No super love

You and me we got a super
Yes indeed a super love
You and me we got a super love

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