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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Love Lies
Bon Jovi

I was lost, then I found you
I never thought it would be this way
Showed you my heart, I left it unguarded
Like a thief in the night you stole it away

Now you're gone, the pain goes on and on
I still hear you whispering to me
Through the shadows of the night

Love lies, you're just a victim of the headlines
You're running on into a cold night
You're just a number of the love lies

All alone you call it survival
He lost at love to a stranger's lines
Walking the streets, searching with vengeance
For a face that he dreams of night after night

Time goes on, all signs of life stolen
Simple dreams were allbroken
Best of times become desperation
But how many tears must you cry to survive

Love lies, you're just a victim of the headlines
You're running on into a cold night
Just a number to the love lies

Love lies, you're just another victim of the headlines
You're running on into a cold night
Just a number to the love lies

They met late one night in the city
Both men knew only one would stay
Scratched a picture of a heart on a bullet
And took his life away

Love lies, you're just another victim of the headlines
You're running on into a cold night
Just a number of the love lies

Love lies, you're just a victim of the headlines
You're running on into a cold night
Just a number of the love lies

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