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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Deep Cuts The Knife
Bon Jovi

I've been waiting for this scene to end,
I need somebody baby I need a friend
I work all day just like doin' time
I've talked to the fires of hell and
I've walked the lines
So now you go and put the wall around you,
gonna take a heart to knock it down too

Deep cuts the knife, when your without love
Deep cuts the knife, when your without love
Deep cuts the knife, it's bringing you down,
bringing you down

If I could be the hero in your masquerade
I could sweep you off your feet and take you far away
There ain't no secrets in real love
It's only broken hearts and souls for you and me girl

You go and put the wall around you,
it's gonna take a heart to knock it down too
Deep cuts the knife, when youre without love
Deep cuts the knife, when your without love
Deep cuts the knife, when your without love
Deep cuts the knife, it's bringing me down, bringing me down

So load your guns and fire away
All it takes is one fair shot to blow your world away

Deep cuts the knife, when your without love
Deep cuts the knife, when your without love, ...

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