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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Soul Rebel
Bob Marley

I'm a rebel, soul rebel.
I'm a capturer, soul adventurer.
I'm a rebel, soul rebel.
I'm a capturer, soul adventurer.

See the morning sun, the morning sun,
On the hillside.
If you're not living good, travel wide,
You gotta travel wide.
Said I'm a living man,
And I've got work to do.
If you're not happy, children,
Then you must be blue,
Must be blue, people say.

I'm a rebel, let them talk,
Soul rebel, talk won't bother me.
I'm a capturer, that'w what they say,
Soul adventurer, night and day.
I'm a rebel, soul rebel.
Do you hear them lippy.
I'm a capturer, gossip around the corner,
Soul adventurer. How they adventure on me.

But, see the morning sun, the morning sun,
On the hillside.
If you're not living good, travel wide,
You gotta travel wide.
Said I'm a living man,
I've got work to do.
If you're not happy, then you must be blue,
Must be blue, people say.

I'm a rebel, soul rebel.
I'm a capturer, soul adventurer.
Do you hear me?
I'm a rebel, rebel in the morning.
Soul rebel, rebel at midday time.

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