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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
Running away
Bob Marley

You running and you running
And you running away (repeat)

You running and you running
But you can't run away from yourself
Can't runaway from yourself,
Can't runaway from yourself,
Can't runaway from yourself (repeat)

You must have done,
Something wrong (repeat)
Why you can't find the
Place where you belong
Running away, running away,
Running away (repeat)

Every man thinketh his
Burden is the heaviest (repeat)
But who feels it knows it Lord
Who feels it knows it Lord,
Who feels it knows it Lord

You running and you running
And you running away (repeat)

You running and you running
But you can't runaway from yourself,
Could you runaway from yourself,
Can you runaway from yourself
Can't runaway from yourself,
Can't runaway from yourself

You must have done, something,
Something, something something,
Something, you don't want nobody to
Know about, you must have ... Lord.
Something wrong you must have done,
You must have done, something wrong
Why you can't find where you belong

Well, well, well, you running away,
Running away, no, no, no,
I'm not running away, don't say that
Don't say that, cause I'm not running away
I've got to protect my life,
And I don't want to live with no strife
It is better to live on the house top
Than to live in a house full of confusion
So, I made my decision and I left you
Now you coming to tell me
That I'm running away
But it's not true,
I am not running away

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