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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
October Song
Amy Winehouse

Today my bird flew away
gone to find her big blue jay
Starlight before she took flight
I sung a lullaby of bird land everynight
sung for my Ava everynight

Ava was the morning, now she's gone
she's reborn like Sarah Vaughan
In the sanctuary she has found
birds surround her sweet soun
and Ava flies in paradise

With dread I woke in my bed
to shooting pains up in my head
Lovebird, my beautiful bird
Spoken 'til one day she couldn't be heard
she just stopped singing

Ava was the morning, now she's gone
she's reborn like Sarah Vaughan
In the sanctuary she has found
birds surround her sweet soun
and Ava flies in paradise

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