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# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ...
50 Cent

Boy if you want me
Then you can have me
I want you to want me
And love me unconditionally(x2)

Verse 1 - 50 Cent

You want me to want you, you want me to need you
You want me beg and stay by my side
You want me to chase you, you want me to lace you
You want me to just swallow my pride
You want too much from me
Pretending I'm that nigga you loving
Last week it was my man, the week before your husband
Girl that ring on your finger means nothing
Its just a waste of money, and he was just a dummy
I know you kiss him and hug him
And tell him that you love him, you lying
Because I hit the first night and I wasnt even trying
You facinated with the flow
You know I'm about to blow
Come to see me at my show
Admire how my wrist glow
You like the way I get the dough
We can go, just to drow
Let your knees hit the floor
I like it when you do it slow
Aint nobody got to know
We can keep it on the low
I don't like niggas in my business, told you that before

Verse 2 - Young Buck

You want me to hug you, you want me to love you
You want me to miss you everytime you gone
You wanna shine, you wanna spend time
Girl this is just a fling thing, word is bond
You want too much from me
Everyday calling my phone
You found out my benz sittin on chrome
Wont leave me alone
Catchin feelings cause I'm never at home
I should've known not to pick up the phone
Before a nigga got on
You wouldn't take time out to speak
Then you expect me to take your ass out to eat
I can't lie girl you sure look good in that mink
Tonight its on you, you gonna buy me a drink
Whatchu think?

Verse 3 - Lloyd Banks

You want me to lay out quality time, like you don't know I'm on tour
Fuck you blowin up my cell phone for? huh?
Why everytime we talk you askin for more, huh?
You want a nigga to commit, that our relationship shit and
I didnt string you along, you talkin reckless
Shorty look at my necklace
I don't sell dreams, I sell records
I know your type, used to parade around town
Bumped into an entertainer, now you wanna slow down
Introduced me to family and friends as well
Walkin out the house feeling like a piece of show-n-tell
cheatin cause your boyfriend doesnt like to spend
I hate to bust your bubble but I'm just like him

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